Protectii radiator KTM/Husq/GG 150/500 2024 X-GripProtectiile pentru radiator de la X-Grip sunt fabricate in aluminiu extrem de rezistent , prelucrat ..
Protectie TBI KTM/Husq/GG 2T 150/250/300 2024 X-GripFabricat din aluminiu extrem de durabil la impactPotriveste pentru modeleleKTM SX, HQV TC, 2023-&g..
Antigel Dr Freeze X-Grip 160°The coolant for extreme and hard enduro. The very high boiling point of 160°C makes it almost impossible for your bike to..
Bila mousse EXTREME X-GripPretul este per bucataThe "X-GRIP Mousse EXX" were specially developed for hard enduro use. This revolutionary product offer..
Blow Mousse X-Grip 18"Potriveste pentru orice roata pe 18 cu o latime de 100-140 .In combination with a tubeless system , offer a certain degree of pu..
Kit montaj protectie disc frana fata Acerbis X-Brake Beta 13-24Kitul de montaj se foloseste pentru protectiile de disc frana fata Acerbis X-Brake si S..