- Suspensii KTM / Suspensions KTM
Producător: WP
Cod produs: 00010000420
Cuzinete suspensie spate WP KTM/Husq/GGThe steel piston ring which is also installed in the WP Pro components shock absorbers improves the service life of the piston and reduces the friction.Which effects the response of the shock absorber positive.Can be easily replaced when the shock absorber is s..
Producător: KTM
Cod produs: A54029994500
Fork seal doctor KTM/HusqvarnaAceasta unealta inteligenta este necesara pentru orice trusa de scule - indeparteaza cu usurinta murdaria de pe furcaPrelungeste durata de viata a furcii - pentru toate furcile cu diametrul de 48mm...
Producător: XTRIG
Cod produs: XT40501004
Jug XTRIG ROCS Offset KTM/Husq 150/500 2024Potriveste pe modelele KTM SX/EXC/EXC/SXF 150/500 2024 , Husqvarna TE/FE/FC/TC 150/500 2024Nu contine prinderile pentru montajWith ROCS, XTRIG created a new system for an even higher stability of the already top-quality triple clamps. Opposing clamps guaran..
2.790,00Lei 3.289,00Lei
Producător: KTM
Cod produs: R516T
Kit simeringuri furca 43 mm KTM.Pentru KTM Duke 890 21 si KTM FREERIDE ...
Producător: KTM
Cod produs: A46001995000
Neoprene furca fata KTM WPFor all 48 mm forksIdeal protection for sealing the forkFor use with an open fork protector..
Producător: KTM
Cod produs: A46001996000
Neoprene furca fata KTM WPFor all 48 mm forksIdeal protection for sealing the forkFor use with an open fork protector..
Producător: KTM
Cod produs: A46001939500
Prindere ghidon PHDS KTM 150/500 2024Potriveste pe modelele KTM 150/500 2024 , Husqvarna 150/501 2024 , GASGAS 250/300/350/450 2024 .CNC milled handlebar mount with damping rubber insertsGentle on wrists and shoulder jointsDamping of hard shocksAbsorption of chassis and engine vibrationsAdditional h..
910,00Lei 1.073,00Lei
Producător: KTM
Cod produs: A49001997000
Protectie noroi suspensie KTM WP 48mmPotriveste pentru modelele KTM / hUSQ / GG Resistant to the toughest stresses and strainsIdeal protection for sealing the forkMounted directly on the fork..
148,00Lei 188,00Lei
Producător: KTM
Cod produs: A49012955544
Kit coborare suspensii KTM/Husq 150/500 24-25 -50mm
Made of the highest quality materialsTested in the toughest conditionsDeveloped together with the vehicleEnables shorter drivers to also achieve the optimum seat heightPerfect compromise between maximum chassis performance and lowest possible veh..