Snow bike YETI / Senila YETI
Producător: YETI
Cod produs: 743-YEAB343FRE3BK
Kit Senila YETI 129 FR 2023The YETI 129 FR is the all-rounder that makes the most of your motocross with our next gen 2.6" lug height track, reshaped for all-angle traction and upgraded suspension that stays firm eating up all obstacles. Shed weight, not strength with pure carbon fibre reinforced wi..
52.500,00Lei 69.490,00Lei
Producător: ZF Sprockets
Cod produs: ZF
Kit senila ZF Sprockets KTM/Husqvarna/GasGasKit de conversie ZF Sprockets model 2023, imbunatatit cu un nou sistem de franare, cu protectie impotriva zapezii. In plus s-a lucrat la imbunatatirea structurii de rezistenta a cadrului mobil conferindui astfel o performanta mult mai ridicata. Un asnamblu..
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