Producător: ACERBIS
Cod produs: 0023901.315
Casca Acerbis X-Track White Black.Casca Acerbis X-Track are exteriorul fabricat din fibra de sticla si are o greutate de 1050 grame pentru marimea MGaurile de ventilatie sunt mai multe si mult mai mari fata de modelul anterior pentru o aerisire cat mai eficientaDesignul nou asigura un echilibru..
749,00Lei 999,00Lei
Producător: ACERBIS
Cod produs: 0023901.239
Casca Acerbis X-Track White Red.Casca Acerbis X-Track are exteriorul fabricat din fibra de sticla si are o greutate de 1050 grame pentru marimea M.Gaurile de ventilatie sunt mai multe si mult mai mari fata de modelul anterior pentru o aerisire cat mai eficienta.Designul nou asigura un echilibru..
649,00Lei 999,00Lei
Producător: AIROH
Cod produs: AV311
Casca Airoh Aviator 3 Black MattFabricata din fibra de carbon HPC.Ofera o protectie excelenta datorita materialului rezistent si usor.Sistemul AMS2 Plus, versiunea imbunatatita a modelului precedent, asigura acelas standard de protectie.Prevazut si cu sistemele AEFR, in caz de urgenta buretii se pot..
2.519,00Lei 2.799,00Lei
Producător: AIROH
Cod produs: AV3G35
Casca Airoh Aviator 3 Carbon Black MattRaise the bar. Leave everyone behind. Again. The difficulty is not to win once, but to keep doing it. Aviator 3 raises the level of competition and redefines the standards of an offroad helmet. The shell, available in the Carbon 3K version exclusively on the Pr..
3.490,00Lei 4.428,00Lei
Producător: AIROH
Cod produs: AV3GL32
Casca Airoh Aviator 3 Glory Orange MattRaise the bar. Leave everyone behind. Again. The difficulty is not to win once, but to keep doing it. Aviator 3 raises the level of competition and redefines the standards of an offroad helmet. The shell, available in the Carbon 3K version exclusively on the Pr..
2.789,00Lei 3.800,00Lei
Producător: AIROH
Cod produs: AV3GL31
Casca Airoh Aviator 3 Glory Yellow MattRaise the bar. Leave everyone behind. Again. The difficulty is not to win once, but to keep doing it. Aviator 3 raises the level of competition and redefines the standards of an offroad helmet. The shell, available in the Carbon 3K version exclusively on the Pr..
3.490,00Lei 3.800,00Lei
Producător: AIROH
Cod produs: AV3LE18
Casca Airoh Aviator 3 League Blue Gloss..
3.499,00Lei 3.800,00Lei
Producător: AIROH
Cod produs: AV3LE55
Casca Airoh Aviator 3 League RedRaise the bar. Leave everyone behind. Again. The difficulty is not to win once, but to keep doing it. Aviator 3 raises the level of competition and redefines the standards of an offroad helmet. The shell, available in the Carbon 3K version exclusively on the Primal gr..
3.490,00Lei 3.800,00Lei
Producător: AIROH
Cod produs: AV3P31
Casca Airoh Aviator 3 Primal Yellow Matt.Fabricata din carbon 3K (numai pentru modelul Primal)Ofera o protectie excelenta datorita materialului rezistent si usor.Sistemul AMS2 Plus, versiunea imbunatatita a modelului precedent, asigura acelasi standard de protectie.Prevazut si cu sistemele AEFR, in ..
3.400,00Lei 4.499,00Lei
Producător: AIROH
Cod produs: AV3P18
Casca Airoh Aviator 3 Push BlueRaise the bar. Leave everyone behind. Again. The difficulty is not to win once, but to keep doing it. Aviator 3 raises the level of competition and redefines the standards of an offroad helmet. The shell, available in the Carbon 3K version exclusively on the Primal gra..
3.490,00Lei 3.800,00Lei
Producător: AIROH
Cod produs: AV3P55
Casca Airoh Aviator 3 Push Blue RedRaise the bar. Leave everyone behind. Again. The difficulty is not to win once, but to keep doing it. Aviator 3 raises the level of competition and redefines the standards of an offroad helmet. The shell, available in the Carbon 3K version exclusively on the Primal..
3.490,00Lei 3.800,00Lei
Producător: AIROH
Cod produs: AV3R18
Casca Airoh Aviator 3 Rainbow Blue Red Gloss.Fabricata din fibra de carbon HPC.Ofera o protectie excelenta datorita materialului rezistent si usor.Sistemul AMS2 Plus, versiunea imbunatatita a modelului precedent, asigura acelas standard de protectie.Prevazut si cu sistemele AEFR, in caz de urgenta b..
2.789,00Lei 4.200,00Lei